Sunday 1 April 2007

UniSa Book Sales

The UniSA Book Sales has just ended. It took place from the 1st-9th of March.
The response was overwhelming. The students from UniSA, especially February Intake 2007 were very supportive. The most sellable books were “Introduction to Law”, “Marketing Management”, and “Accounting”.

The prices of the books that we sold are exactly the same as those at University Book Store (UBS) because we are representing the bookstore to sell their books at TBS. This way, students do not have to walk to UBS to get their books. We would like to thank all students for showing their support for our book sales.

However, our second hand book sales have not been that successful compared to our new book sales. The reason for this may be that our second hand book sales did not get much exposure and not many students are aware of it. The idea for second hand books came about because we want to help juniors purchase cheaper second hand books, and also to help seniors avoid selling their books at too low a price. Second hand books sold by Student Council are priced at 50-70% of the original price of the book, depending on the its condition.

UBS is our official bookstore because they basically sell all the text books in our syllabus. Their books are known to be cheaper compared to other bookstores and this helps students a lot.

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